Chapter 9: Medicals

by | Dec 29, 2020 | Driver Procedures Manual | 0 comments

10:49 AM

Section A.  Medical Reports
Section B.  Special Instances
Section C.  Vision Report 
Section D.  Medical Actions
Section E.  Readers for Customers with Disabilities
Section F.  Customers Requiring Additional Road Testing
Section G.  Scan All Medical and Vision Reports
Section H.  Scan All Medical and Vision Reports
Section I.  Answers to Common Medical Questions


Section A: Medical Reports

Revised December 13, 2017

Medical Report Form (MVD-10124)

A Medical Report may be required for issuance, renewal or continuance of a Class D, E or M Driver’s License, Driving Authorization Card, Permit or Provisional License, based on the applicant’s medical history, answers to questions on the Driver’s License Application, or other indications including letters of concern from the driver’s family members or personal physician.

Procedures for Issuance with a Medical Report

The Medical Report (MVD-10124) may be used to confirm (or deny) a driver’s medical eligibility for a Class D, E or M driver’s license, driving authorization card, permit or provisional license. The Medical Report cannot be used for issuance of a (Class A, B or C) commercial driver’s license (CDL).

Upon return of the Medical Report, a license or permit may be issued if the applicant’s physician or other licensed health care provider:

  • has answered “Yes” to question #8, “From a medical standpoint only, is the patient capable of safe and competent driving?” or
  • has answered question #10 with a specific number of years as the next recommended interval for medical report review.

The customer meets New Mexico state standards and has passed the medical screening. Issue the license following the procedures below. If no recommended interval is specified, approve for one year only.

  1. Verify Customer’s Personal Information on Medical ReportAll information needs to legible.
    Applicants name must be their legal name (matches name on driver’s license).
    Correct mailing address
  2. Verify Physician Information on Medical ReportName of Physician
    Complete Address and Phone Number provided
    Date of Visit
    Signature of Physician
    Physician License Number

If any of the above information is missing, do not process the driver’s license. Instead, return the Medical Report to the customer for completion.

  1. Inform CustomerMedical Reports are valid from the date signed, for the time approved by the physician. The report may not expire at the same time as the driver’s license depending on the date it was signed and approval time.
  2. Preparation of Medical ReportAt the bottom of the Medical Report, make a written note of the type of license or permit you issued and your MVD Field Office Number.Make two copies of the Medical Report: a) to place as documentation for the Drivers Application; and b) to keep as a copy for your records. All original Medical Reports must be faxed to the Medical Unit in Santa Fe at (505) 827-0977 on a DAILY BASIS.

    The Medical Unit will update the customer’s record to reflect the new medical action.


All Medical Reports must be scanned into the individual’s record for possible referral to the Medical Review Board. There will be rare occasions when the Medical Review Board’s evaluation concludes that the customer should not be licensed. In those cases, the customer will be notified by the Driver Services Bureau and his or her license will be canceled, subject to a hearing if so requested by the driver.

Clerks must keep a copy of all medical and vision reports for 1 year.


Section B: Special Instances

Revised December 7, 2017

Some special instances do not require a Medical Report or require additional documentation with a Medical Report

When a customer has a medical condition which does not limit his ability to operate a motor vehicle (such as a missing limb, partial paralysis, or a deformed limb), provided there is no other health problem, a road test may be administered instead of requiring a Medical Report.

If the decision is made to require only a road test, write a description of the customer’s medical condition on the front of the Driver’s Application in the space provided.

Example:  “Amputee with no other health problem,” or “Permanent paralysis of left arm with no other health problem.”

Issue the Driver’s License with the appropriate restriction(s), if applicable. (Refer to Chapter 2 Section H for a complete list of restrictions)

Submit customer’s road test with the Driver Application.

If the driver is unable to wear a seatbelt

If a physician states that a driver is unable to wear a seatbelt, the driver will need to carry the physician’s statement to that effect with them whenever they are riding in a Motor Vehicle, either as driver or passenger, including when the driver is taking the road test for issuance of a New Mexico driver’s license.


Section C: Vision Report

Revised December 13, 2017

Vision Report Form (MVD-10125)

A Vision Report may be required for issuance, renewal or continuance of a Class D, E or M Driver’s License, Driving Authorization Card, Permit or Provisional License, based on the results of the applicant’s field office vision test.

Procedures for Issuance with a Vision Report

New Mexico standards for vision are 20/40 or better in at least one eye, with or without glasses.

If the customer is not able to pass the vision test in the MVD field office, provide the customer with the Vision Report form (MVD-10125) to be completed by their ophthalmologist or optometrist and returned to the MVD.

The Vision Report may be used to confirm (or deny) a driver’s eligibility for a Class D, E or M driver’s license, driving authorization card, permit or provisional license. The Vision Report cannot be used for issuance of a (Class A, B or C) commercial driver’s license (CDL).

Upon return of the Vision Report:

  • Enter all information as shown on form. System will determine if;
    1. a license should be issued;
    2. the report needs to be reviewed by the Medical Review Board; or
    3. the license should be denied

System will required you to scan in the documents before proceeding.

  • If the customer’s visual acuity is not 20/40 or better in at least one of the six boxes under visual acuity, it can be entered and a Medical Review case will be created; or
  • if the ophthalmologist or optometrist has checked “DENIAL” in response to question #10, system will not allow issuance.

Do issue a license if:

  • the customer’s visual acuity is 20/40 or better in at least one of the six boxes under visual acuity, and
  • the ophthalmologist or optometrist has checked “Yes” in response to question #8.

Issue a driver’s license following the procedures below.

  1. Verify Customer’s Personal Information on Vision Report All information needs to legible.
    Applicants name must be their legal name (matches name on driver’s license).
    Correct mailing address
  2. Verify Ophthalmologist/Optometrist Information on Vision Report Name of ophthalmologist/optometrist information
    Complete address and phone number provided
    Date of visit
    Signature of ophthalmologist/optometrist ?

If any of the above information is missing, do not process the driver’s license. Instead, return the Vision Report to the customer for completion.


Section D: Medical Actions

Revised December 13, 2017

Medical Actions

Once a customer has a Medical Action of any kind (except a VI1) on their license, a current (new) Medical Report must be submitted each time the interval period has ended.

If there is a Vision Report on record, but the driver passes the eye test, do issue the license. A new Vision Report is not required. This can be updated in the issuance transaction tab by entering “Passed.”

A Medical Report or Vision Report is only valid for the time period for which the report has been approved by the physician, from the date signed.

System will stop issuance if new report is required.


Section E: Readers for Customers with Disabilities

Revised December 7, 2017

If a customer requests that someone read the written test for him or her, specific documentation must be provided and approved by the Field Office Manager prior to scheduling a reader for the customer.

If the customer meets the requirements below, the reader must be a MVD Agent, not a family member or friend.

The disability must be covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Illiteracy does not fall under the category of a disability and is not covered by the ADA.

The disability must be documented by the customer’s medical provider or a school administrator. Acceptable documentation is typically a letter on the medical provider’s or school’s letterhead explicitly stating that the customer has a disability that is covered by the American Disabilities Act.

We will also accept the statement of a New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) counselor, on DVR letterhead, that a customer has a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and must have the driver’s license written exam read to them.


Section F: Customers Requiring Additional Road Testing

Revised December 13, 2017

At times customers may be required to submit to a road test in order to reinstate their driving privileges.

In some situations, you may provide them with the testing and they fail. Or you may not feel comfortable providing a Road Test due to the customer’s medical condition.

Some field offices have developed a working relationship with the local sheriff or police chief and are able to have a local law enforcement officer assist with the Road Test. In other circumstances, you may need to consult with your Bureau Chief to determine the best course of action.

Adaptive Driving Program

There is currently no Adaptive Driving Program in NM.


Section G: Scan All Medical and Vision Reports

Revised December 13, 2017

All Medical and Vision Reports that are received in the Field Office must be entered and scanned to the customer record under the “Issuance Transaction” tab, or as part of a DL Issuance Transaction.

NOTE: Clerks must keep a copy of medical and vision reports for 1 year.


Section H: Answers to Common Medical Questions

Revised December 13, 2017

Answers to Common Questions

  1. When I try to renew a customers drivers license, another window pops up stating that this customer has a medical action on their record. What do I do now?
    • Allow driver to re-answer application questions.
    • If new report provided enter into system.
    • Inform driver is a new report is required.
  2. The customers’ Medical Report states that they can get an eight-year license. Can I give it to them?
    • Yes.
  3. A customer claims that they no longer require a Medical/Vision Report as they no longer have the previous condition. What is the procedure to get a medical action removed from a customer’s record?
    • The customer will need to have their physician state on the physicians’ letterhead that the customer is no longer being treated for the previous condition and no longer has the previous condition. The letter needs to be entered as “Dr. Note” and forwarded to the Medical Unit in Santa Fe for further review. If the letter meets all the requirements, the medical condition will be removed from the customer’s record.
  4. How long is a Medical or Vision Report valid?
    • A Medical Report or Vision Report is valid for the length of time recommended by the physician, from the date signed.
  5. Is a Medical or Vision Report required for each renewal or replacement?
    • No.
  6. A customer came in to the office with an Approval Letter from the Medical Unit. What does it mean and what do I do now?
    • The Approval Letter is to inform the customer that their Medical Report or Vision Report has been approved. They are then to take the letter to an MVD Field Office for issuance of a license.
    • Approval Letters are issued by various people within the Medical Unit. They are not signed. Instead they bear the initials of the person issuing the Approval Letter. If you have any questions regarding the validity of an Approval letter, contact the Medical Unit.
  7. The physician left the length of time for a license to be issued blank, can I issue a license?
    • Yes. If the physician answered “Yes” to question #12 (capable of safe and competent driving) on the Medical Report or answered “No” to question #7 (driving hazard) on the Vision Report, issue a four-year or eight-year license (unless driver is over 77).
  8. If a customer comes in to the field office with an Approval Letter and restrictions for Daylight Driving, Corrective Lenses, and Yearly Renewal, do I need to place them on the license?
    • Yes.
  9. What if the customer can pass the Vision Test on our Vision Machine the next time they are in the office for a renewal?
    • If the customer is able to pass the field office vision exam, a license may be issued without a Vision Report, even if the customer has a previous vision action on his or her record.