Drivers Educational Info


Driver Ed Schools Certified and Licensed by TSB

New Mexico driver education schools must be licensed by the Traffic Safety Bureau (TSB) of the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT). For information about the schools licensed by TSB, and the specific courses they offer (including Driver Ed, Driver Safety and DWI School), call TSB at 800-541-7952.

For a list of those schools that are currently certified and licensed by TSB click on the link below:
Driver Ed Schools Certified and Licensed by TSB

Driver Ed Schools Contracted with MVD

Many of the driver education schools that are licensed by TSB are also contracted with the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD). These schools are specifically authorized to issue learner permits and to perform written and road tests.

For a list of those schools that are currently contracted with MVD, with their locations and contact information, click on the link below:
Driver Ed Schools Contracted with MVD